
How to extend a visa if it expires?

Let it not gall your patience, good Iago, / That I extend my manners.

We could extend the payroll tax cut, which expires at the end of December.

Moreover, the photographic frame can reveal the unsettling ability to extend and include us in its space.

Because of its tabletop nature, other groups will certainly attempt to replicate and extend Dr Faccio's experiment.

BPA is also a major ingredient in epoxy resins, which among other USES, help extend the shelf life of canned foods.

The cords extend out to two dozen capacitors, and the whole thing is wired up to a tower of controls that could have been pulled from a 1950s battleship.

"Hypertrophic scars grow overly thick and fibrous But remain within the original wound site. Scars can also develop into tumourlike growths called keloids, which extend Beyond the wound's limits."

Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.

Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the examination.

New findings from Japan suggest a startling way to extend your lifespan - if you're a woman.

Installed on a laptop, it could recycle heat from the microprocessor and extend running time by around 20%.

The trailhead is right at the other side of the bridge. The trail's condition looked great which was like an extend version of Jiajiuliao Hiking Trail.

The breakthrough is unlikely to lead to drugs that dramatically extend lifespan, but doctors say it may help prolong the lives of patients whose genes make them susceptible to dying young.


First, you select an existing virtual image and extend it.

Some importers were frightened by the economic depression and refused to extend credit to customer.

To find your perfect heel height, take off your shoes, sit on a chair and extend one leg straight in front of you.

In turn, Prince Vajiralongkorn is itching to meddle in the annual autumnal shuffle of senior jobs in the armed forces and extend his support base, says a senior Asian diplomat.

The bank has promised to extend you credit.

Along with Haida Heritage Site, the reserve is the first protected area to extend from the seafloor to the mountaintops.

Because of this, the producers( and potential processors) of high quality strawberries are interested in any new process that could help to extend the range of processed food products if the quality differential with respect to other cultivars is maintained.

In 2006, the service finished a rehabilitation project that was intended to extend its service life to 2014.

Within one month before the Contract expires, Party B will notify Party A if it intends to extend the lease. In this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension. Under the same terms Party B has the priority to lease the premises.

As this approach of building on existing software increases, the role of MDA and its value increases by helping to automate how we extend and customize those frameworks.

Mortgage-holders have plenty of wiggle-room, he says, to extend payment periods.

On the revenue side, the government should extend some of the targeted tax measures including the payroll tax cut for employees and the capital investment expense deduction.