
"That was my Epiphany," he said of the sweetness he was trying to recapture.

But loosening underwriting standards now to recapture market share lost three years ago is a risky approach.

We have to recapture the founder's vision of a constitutionally conservative government if we are to secure the promise for the future, "she said."

I think lateron, you are unable to recapture that feeling, exactly, and the societal natureof books—what they mean to other people—enters into it.

That said, as in Venice, it is still possible to get away from the crowds and recapture some of the magic that drew us all there in the first place.

It’s this conviviality that Chinar’s owners are trying to recapture — if in a more modern way.

Obama seeks to recapture some momentum of his own after weeks of being on the defensive over his relationship with his former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Whoever turns out to be right, though, it is an intriguing idea: instead of releasing the carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere, why not recapture it by photosynthesis?


After a second sampling period, the researchers have enough data to conduct a capture-recapture study.

Carbon taxes or auctioned emissions permits not only address climate change but recapture some of the windfall profits of fossil fuel exporters.

They think I'm always trying to recapture that relationship.

Lesser figures in TRT may regroup and find ways to recapture the party's millions of votes, in the elections the junta promises to hold by the year's end.

Lab School students spend 40 minutes a day in academic clubs that recapture specific times and places in history.

Take inspiration from theObamas and call it "date night." Think back to when you and your spouseactually were dating and try to recapture some of those spontaneous, getting-to-know-you moments.

In November Robert Hurt, a popular state senator, aims to recapture the seat for the Republicans.