
Histologically, dentigerous cysts are lined by stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium.

strong reactivity of MUC6 apomucin was found in the superficial epithelium of gallbladder, moderate staining was found in the superficial epithelium of cervix uteri.

The cells of this epithelium exhibit many interdigitations with the lens fibers.

Therefore, we hypothesized that apoptosis is a significant mechanism of injury to duct epithelium.

Objective To study the method in pterygium excision with lower recurrent rate and rapid corneal epithelium reconstruction.

Because the large cervix of the uterus surface damages or the inflammation stimulation may also present the squamous epithelium to fall off, the columnar epithelium proliferation to form the erosion.

"To my surprise, this means something about the epithelium is tuned to pick up certain information" in certain zones, New York University's Wilson said.

RESULTS: There is not significant difference between clobetasol 17 propionate and triamcinolone acetonide about inhibiting the mitosis in mouse vaginal epithelium (P>0.05).

Results It was found for the first time that IAPP distributes all the parts of ductal epithelium from interlobular duct to centroacinar cell and was located in the upside and both sides of nucleus.

ovarian germinal epithelium

At high magnification, the normal colonic epithelium at the left contrasts with the atypical epithelium of the adenomatous polyp at the right.

Objective: To Construct trachea epithelium tissue in vitro using tissue engineering techniques for trachea tissue engineering.

Note the clear vacuoles in the colloid next to the epithelium where the increased activity of the epithelium to produce increased thyroid hormone has led to scalloping out of the colloid.

The observing pathological section showed that those extracts could protect the gastric mucosa epithelium and take precautions against ulcer.

Underneath is a layer of supporting cells called the retinal pigmented epithelium, or RPE, which nourish the photoreceptors and clean up their waste.

The SS-cells among the mucous epithelium were usually in long shuttle and long neck bottle shapes, and the cells with round, ellipse or pear forms were mostly in the gastric glands.

The DNA content of rumen epithelium was increased a little.

Histopathological lesions are mainly hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the gill epithelium.

The result show: the oesophagus has a thick stratified squamous epithelium which is little keratinized with numerous mucous glands.

PKC may play a significant role in injury repair process of vestibule sensory epithelium and different PKC isoforms may have different physiological functions respectively.


malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium.

The most striking change in the tubules is hydropic degeneration of the epithelium.

The human blood a type antigen was highly expressed on some islet cells, some exocrine secretory cells and all the duct epithelium.

The inner face of sack was covered with a sheet of columnar epithelium where some of goblet cell were found between the columnar epithelium.

The chloride cells were mostly distributed on the base of gill lamella, or the filament epithelium of the gills.

Dentigerous cysts develop from follicular epithelium and begin when fluid accumulates between layers of reduced enamel epithelium and the crown of the unerupted tooth.

Histopathological section showed epithelial cells of normal rabbit skin showed a more loose arrangement, big cell gap, thin epithelium, large amount of absorbent material such as fat, thick fat layer;

Apoptosis in lacrimal gland and ocular surface epithelium increase abnormally, but in local lymphocytic cell is inhibitted in dry eye .

In the stomach, the SS-cells were also distributed among the gastric mucous epithelium and in the neck of gastric glands, the majority of cells were in round and long shuttle forms.