
Therefore, the subtitle translation of this film deserves investigation.


The subtitle of Ghemawat’s latest book, “Redefining Global Strategy”, is “Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter”.

JONAH GOLDBERG's "Liberal Fascism" enjoyed four postponements, a change of subtitle and a lorry load of advance hate-mail before it was finally published a month ago.

What the subtitle to a book by Kishore MahBubani, a Singaporean former diplomat, called "the Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East" seems to be happening faster than anyone expected.


Likewise, the element specifies a subtitle for the overall feed.

The subtitle of the British edition is "How Not to Liberate the World".

The irony is that although Mr Lieven contests Tolstoy's artistic version of history, his book also revels in it, as its subtitle suggests.

As the subtitle suggests, he's convinced that the body responds to too-short sleep by packing on pounds - and, conversely, getting more sleep is an effective weight-loss strategy.

New features for video seeking and subtitle selection.

The subtitle of “Built to Last” is “Successful Habits of Visionary Companies”, and Collins is very into the vision/mission thing.

Essentially this is a standardized subtitle format within 3gp files.

In theory, the device converts electronic signals into ever-changing displays projected onto the contact lens and visible to the wearer, perhaps like a movie subtitle.

The subtitle of Ghemawat's latest book, "Redefining Global Strategy", is "Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter".

Title and subtitle of your blog.

To suggest, as the book’s British subtitle does, that Britain was “divided” over whether to fight is an exaggeration.