
There is a contentious clause in the treaty.

The most contentious point is a change to determine who is the rightful inventor.

The ASA has now set up a panel of experts to help it cope with contentious claims.

In fact, these targets, especially taken together, have been highly contentious during the two years of discussions, and for good reasons.

They may be politically contentious (although, curiously, those who approve and disapprove cannot be separated by party lines) but free schools do seem to be popular with parents.

Mr Arafat had also been reluctant to subject himself to criticism from Fatah members opposed to the Oslo process or to allow open debate of contentious issues such as corruption.

This is, of course, contentious.

Barca has provided a distinctive solution to some of the most contentious problems in management theory.

When you're dealing with a difficult crowd and contentious issues, give a few presents away early on.

A fund insider says that negotiations around the new framework on capital-flow measures were "the most contentious that any staffer can remember". It shows.

NATO enlargement has been a contentious issue at times, not only Among NATO members, but also with Russia, which sees the expansion of the alliance eastward as a threat.

And this, of course, is a highly contentious point.

The book made Mr Grossman, now 56, a contentious figure in Israel, and the controversy has not gone away.

Among the most contentious issues, is Poland's decision to host U.S. Patriot missiles on its soil and the possible involvement of Warsaw in the new version of a planned U.S. missile shield.

His first big task was a contentious cull of around 15% of the staff.

In a contentious area where the good faith of scientists is frequently challenged, this lack of transparency and explicit procedure breeds distrust.

The Acme COE also sets up an architecture review board as an arbiter for contentious issues.


Most contentious is the issue of federalism.

The timing, route and point of origin of the first colonization of the Americas remains a most contentious topic in human evolution.

Barely ten months after Congress was returned to power at the head of a more solid-looking coalition than it had previously led, it will struggle to pass any contentious legislation.