
Professional designers reckon that the kitchen of the future will be a more egalitarian place.

They are an egalitarian society so you can't just talk to the village head, you've got to talk to everyone.

Given a choice, the authors find, Americans would prefer to live in a society more equal than even highly egalitarian Sweden.

With its emphasis on simple living and an end to class divisions, the government's propaganda is more than a little reminiscent of the piously egalitarian early days of the Islamic revolution.

I am lways in an egalitarian stance.

Private enterprise, in other words, delivers more equality than the supposedly egalitarian world of academia does.

He summarizes libertarianism, the meritocratic system, and the egalitarian theory. This leads to a discussion of the fairness of pay differentials in today's society.

As our society has evolved into a more egalitarian and a less judgmental one women have been afforded opportunities to explore dimensions that heretofore had been generally open only to men.

But some say that egalitarian thinking, typical of Japan's group-oriented society, might stand in the way.

The likely appointment of "Prince Jean" to a job that his father once held has been the source of widespread anger and ridicule by those who see it as an affront to France's egalitarian values.

But even in the warm, nurturing, egalitarian European Union, female happiness has fallen relative to men's across the last three decades.

The same egalitarian approach starts off by regarding all sources as equal, regardless of merit.

I realized then for the first time that the egalitarian society I came from was the exception and not the rule.


Some economists have used these results as egalitarian debating points.