
The biter is sometimes bit.

I believe that each of us should make the world a biter place.

The two teams are in a nail-biter. Neither has been able to take a commanding lead.

In what turned out to be an embarrassing nail-biter, Mr Bloomberg won by just 5%, days after polls had showed him to be ahead by double digits.

In our example, Jonathan guessed that the soccer game would be a nail-biter, and that no one would know who would win until the final moments of the game.

The movie's climactic scene was a real nail-biter.

There was no more exhilarating movie experience than Danny Boyle's intense nail-biter about trapped climber Aron Ralston.

It wasn't exactly a nail-biter: on Thursday, the Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court by a vote of 63-37.


That monkey is a biter.

This seven month old pup is exactly the kind of dog we worry about most as he is likely to mature into an unpredictable fear biter.

The biter is bitten.

In other words, you no longer have to wonder if your ankle-biter is tired, hungry, mad, stressed, or just bored. It's like Stanza for crybabies.

You can use a little teeth but don't be a biter .

Many trainers believe that this vice can be learned and are very reluctant to have a crib biter or windsucker in their stables fearing that others will mimic this undesirable behavior.

Lately I've been wondering what makes someone an inveterate nail-biter like me.