Hugo Chavez造句

Cuban TV showed a video of the 80 year old meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

President Hugo Chavez criticized the owner of a cacao plantation last year, saying that he was getting rich while his workers lived in poverty.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez indicates a meeting is imminent with 31)Colombia's FARC group to discuss releasing people held for many years.

So, one can rule out an armed conflict, despite the warning of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez that if it came to one, Argentina would not be alone this time.

Venezuelans have cast their ballots to elect a new President to succeed Hugo Chavez, who died of cancer last month.

The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he's travelling to Cuba for a health checkup four months after he had surgery for cancer there.

The funeral for Venezuela President Hugo Chavez is underway.

Today, the NED is well known for backing counterrevolutionary forces in Cuba and right-wing opponents of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.

Hugo Chavez造句

In Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez said the cancer he'd beaten earlier this year is back.

"Russia has only two reliable allies: its army and fleet": nobody abolished that old piece of truth. Well, maybe Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Raul Castro. But seriously, nobody.

It also would let Total enhance ties with Venezuela, which took a beating when President Hugo Chavez nationalized much of the petroleum sector two years ago.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday that his country and Colombia decided to turn a new page by leaving behind the diplomatic crisis originated by the capture of a Colombian rebel leader.