
Very hard (very strenuous, and you are very fatigued)

May: Yeah, very tasteful.

So a veryvery quick summary of his epistemological approach.

Those that learnt the lesson have done very, very well.

The enchanter is very mysterious.

So very analytical and very easy going in the sense that I am very approachable.

Finally, string provides a very Pythonic oddball.

She has a very strong personality.

Let me illustrate the point with some very, very simple graphs.

When I had waited a long time, very patiently, without hearing him lie down, I resolved to open a little - a very, very little crevice in the lantern.

Hollywood Bowl, the huge outdoor amphitheater, is very attractive.

He'll probably wind up being very well-heeled.

So its problems in Winter can be simply stated: very cold outdoors = no melting = no electricity = very cold indoors.

He spoke in a telephone interview on Saturday, and before hanging up, added an optimistic note. "Japanese people are very resilient people," he said. "They are low-key But very, very strong people."

I knew TJ was different when he was just three days old. He was very fretful, he'd be up feeding all night and was always very tense.

The very gravity distortion also effects the space-time continuum in the area, and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.

Very busy, and very riveting.

Everything went very smoothly.

He's a very sturdy child and very healthy.

But this is very dangerous!

You can see that it is very, very 5 feminine, and sort of very light, almost girlish touch.

I think international calls are very expensive.

Maybe some people are very abominable, some of them are also very mean.

This old fireplace has a very attractive surround.

Milan was lucky to have four of the very best defenders in the world with a very good goalie.

We are so talking very well, very intimately about things not related to what we were just saying.

And these flows that Kashlinsky and his colleagues have inferred of clusters that are very, very far away can't be explained by the lumpy distribution of matter.

The porter stood by the bed. He had a nice face and was very kind.

This is very dangerous.

Manual work is very tiring.

A great lady... a very great lady.

"You have been a very naughty boy," the Baron had said."Very naughty indeed."

It is very late; hence you must go to bed.

"I really was happy for him, but I was also very anxious and very nervous," she said.

Variegated mutant plant is not only a very important ornamental plant, but it is also a very important material in life science study.

It's very reactive.

The tune sounds very familiar.

Outwardly they may pretend to be very cool but they are very sensual and loving.

The old man has always enjoyed very good health.

In fact, if you're making any kind of API, a plug in API, it is very important to separate things into interfaces and be veryvery contractual, and tightly engineered.

You are very helpful.

The locals were a very staid lot.

Their nukes and abilities generally got low mana costs so with one rune they can harass very, very much.


It's a very intimate lyric, very, very intimate.

For example, I grew up in a very, very sectarian fundamentalist church in Texas.

Mr. LEN FISHER (Author, The Perfect Swarm: The Science of Complexity in Everyday Life) : I'm doing very well, thank you very much. Can you hear me clearly?

Today I came to my aunt, my aunt and her sister very friendly to me, my little brother very lovely is very naughty.

He's very hard to please.

So this is very, very low-cost to buy, and actually, the objective lens in the microscope, the very powerful lens we use to image the atoms, is also from a CD player.

You plan things very meticulously, right to the very minute.