
The hairdresser habitually hangs the hairdryer on the hanger.

Fixed in the building structure pipe, hanger, shall not affect the safety of the structure.

The LZR is thus being referred to by some people as high-tech doping on a hanger.

Using pliers, I bent the straight end like a mini hook so it could be used as a clasp to open and close the hanger.

It fitted her well, but she eventually decided against it and put it back on the hanger. Instead she found a more casual, less revealing dress and put that on.

Ten such packs are held on a litho-printed card hanger.

She crossed the room and opened a door to the clothes-closet. She reached for a clothes hanger.

Across the aisle, James Wright, 31, was dressed casually, sitting beneath a dark suit and starched white shirt on a hanger.


A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron.

Life was not so great for the peasants who did all the work, but I'm presumptuously assuming that I'd be a hanger-on at court.

Put your clothes on the coat hanger.

We never met a problem we couldn't solve with some duct tape, a jury-rigged coat hanger, and a pinch of code.

I see that. You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth.

Whether that's a shirt or a relationship, we can often make educated guesses but until we take it off the hanger and put it on, we don't really know for sure.

The whole joint angles out horizontally from the neck, like a coat hanger.