
There's no need to look so fraught!

The American standoff with Iran remains fraught, and potentially explosive.

Making the right choice of course and college in any foreign country is fraught with difficulties.

The process by which we hypothesize, design, create and run testing, however, is fraught with peril.

This is a very dangerous period, explosive and fraught with depression and violent ruptures in long relationships.

Even then, it is fraught with technical difficulties, it cannot fully protect the Libyan rebels against Colonel Qaddafi’s machinegunners and it is liable to “mission creep”.

In that fraught summer, Mr Singh devalued the rupee, abolished most of the quotas and licences that dictated who could produce what, and opened some industries to foreign capital.

That process, too, will be fraught.

The coming months will be fraught with fateful decisions.

Diaries and letters from the period reveal a populace fraught with insecurity.

Their needs are often far more unpredictable than, but just as emotionally fraught as, the first experience of parenthood.

That said, the process is fraught with some risks. First of all, the stagnant wage growth was not limited to Foxconn and Honda.

If they go ahead (negotiations with the government are proving fraught), they will be run by a not-for-profit arm, since for-profit ventures are banned from Britain's academies programme.

We are worried about this fluid situation fraught with uncertainty.

Attempts to measure happiness are fraught with problems of subjectivity: different people derive happiness from different activities.

One thing is nearly certain: a tense regime and fraught relations with the outside world are not good for hungry bellies.

It is a path fraught with risk.

A history of conflict and a present bedevilled by recession, drug-trafficking and illegal immigration should be reason enough to make relations across the Rio Grande decidedly fraught.


The journey was fraught with difficulties.

The road to a consolidated travel program can be fraught with pitfalls and frustration if you don't have great partners, executive support and the right plans.

The tobacco looked healthy and green and fraught for Mary--with promise of future plenty.

Everyone knows a military strike against its nuclear sites would be fraught with danger, not least that Iran would soon be back in the nuclear business with bigger scores to settle.

The expedition into the jungle was fraught with danger.