heroin addicts造句

Clinicals research of scalp acupuncture treatment for withdraioal symptoms of heroin addicts

81 cases of heroin addicts were treated only by Buprenorphine hydrochlo-ride tablets(Bup)with the dosage decreasing gradually.

Objective: To study the relationship between consciousness obstacle of heroin addicts during detoxification and BZD abuse or combinational use of antipsychotic.

The memory impairment in heroin addicts was mainly the disorder of evocation.

Conclusions There exist in the brain of most heroin addicts abnormal areas and abnormal physical and mental behaviors.

Research of ultra-structural pathological changes of nervous,endocrine and immune system in heroin addicts;

heroin addicts造句

Analysis of HIV infection in 43 heroin addicts

And the occurrence age of drug abuse,excessive drinking and sexual behavior tend to be young in heroin addicts.

TB incidence research of heroin addicts in Bengbu City