
Shipbuilding had moved on, leaving the skeletons of bygone prosperity in its wake.

Intact Ahrensburgian reindeer skeletons with arrowheads in their chests suggest some animals were sacrificed during rituals.

They dug out countless skeletons which shined the dazzling white light, not knowing what times they belonged to.

JOPLIN, Mo. — The tornado’s destruction two Sundays ago was so absolute in some areas of this city that the sweep of the landscape is now broken only by the thick skeletons of oak, elm and hickory.

I will tell you something, and I have said it before: The ego will keep coming up with more and more loose ends for you to deal with, more and more strings of spaghetti, more and more closets that have more and more skeletons.

Nearby there were piles of debris and the skeletons of houses shredded by the storm.

The team placed the anemones on top of either coral skeletons or white plumbing tape in the lab.

The psychic also said "there was a 'G' in a sign nearby." Last month, cops unearthed the skeletons of the victims, missing call girls, each wrapped in burlap bags on Long Island's Gilgo Beach.


Some children look like skeletons while others have swollen legs and hands, he adds.

A junkyard just outside Pauline's warehouse is piled as high as the chainlink fence with rusty skeletons of dead machines; one hunk is a jet engine.

On top of that, those skeletons were often deformed.

My parents had been telling me all week about the wonders to be seen there, the stuffed elephants in the great hall, the dinosaur skeletons, the caveman dioramas.

One fear is that the increasing acidity will kill off pteropods and similar creatures with calcium-carbonate shells or skeletons.

The works on view, which range from cartoonish drawings of religious scenes to bright little paintings of fighting skeletons, reveal that, if nothing else, Ensor was certainly something of an oddball.

A whole regiment of skeletons has taken up residence in his closet.