
I refilled our wine glasses.

Nodding, much pleased, the grandfather soon refilled it.

There is a limit to how many times your prescription can be refilled.

Some ATMs now need to be refilled every three hours, because the machines can only hold so much cash.

Safe in his enclosing study, with the lovingly filled and refilled pipe and the esoteric books, his fame would have centred round investigations of vagabonds in medieval Europe.

The design of replaceable independent inner bottle allows users to replace the agent easily, which will reduce inconvenience for the fire extinguishers to be returned and be refilled.

Dumbledore shook his head, his eyes closed. Harry wondered whether he was in pain. Dumbledore plunged the glass blindly back into the basin, refilled it, and drank once more.

Because pore medium is filled with water at first, the process of oil and gas migration is that the oil and gas is continually refilled and water escaped under differential pressure.


The basin was refilled,

The tanks have to be refilled using special equipment.

You will need two extra cartridges and the one you refilled.

Yeah, we had someone give it the work over, they un-jammed it, replaced the ink cartridge and refilled the paper trays.

This kind of weather is more suitable for a person sitting alone at home, writing a sad love, a cup of jujube tea, a broken bowel sound, drunk and refilled!

Cryogenic vessels which are retained by customers and where the medicinal gas is refilled in place from dedicated mobile delivery tanks need not be sampled after filling provided the filling company delivers a certificate of analysis for a sample taken from the mobile delivery tank.

The big storms in August refilled the reservoirs.

IVY: I was worried about that. I couldn't remember if I had it refilled twice yet or not.

When photography came along, a lot of them had to find other work, or at least their ranks were not refilled when they retired.

He refilled her glass.

Compressed gas cylinders should not be refilled except by qualified producers of compressed gases.

He refilled Hagrid's mug and his own, and questioned him about the creatures that lived in the forest these days and how Hagrid was able to look after them all.

However, if refilled or third-party caridges damage your printer, your printer's27) warranty may be useless.

McDonald's in Shenyang North Railway Station is a shop frequented by customers. There are bright-coloured prints on the walls. Coffee can be refilled and drinked all the time.

What is more, the lamps had a limited capacity and the kerosene refilled every time could only last over three hours.

She refilled the teapot with boiling water.

Most mechanical pencils can be refilled, but some inexpensive models are meant to be disposable and discarded when empty.