
Some of those tests will be exploratory. Even some of the exploratory tests will need to be automated in order to repeat them.

The study detailed in this article is still at the exploratory stage.

With the Doha round dead, Mercosur will agree to Europe's request for exploratory talks about renewing their negotiations.

But scientists decided to let it carry out additional exploratory tasks as the orbiter is still in good condition and has fuel in reserve.

Teachers are so concerned with achievement and “teaching to the test” that they have little time to dedicate to “exploratory learning”, the report said.

提供相关质量信息,而不是通过自动化测试、探索*测试(exploratory test)[译注]来寻找bug。


The doctors carried out an exploratory operation on my stomach.

Speaking with reporters in Seoul Thursday, Bosworth chracterized the discussions as "exploratory talks" rather than negotiations.

Requirements-based testing tends to be less subjective than exploratory testing, and it can provide other benefits as well.

All of these folks, along with the system-level software validators, can test in a scripted way or an exploratory way.

an exploratory operation; exploratory reconnaisance; digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico; exploratory talks between diplomats.

Provide information about quality not to find bugs via automated tests, exploratory tests,...

For truly exploratory analytics work, such predictions can be nearly impossible, as data analysis is iterative and unpredictable: ask a question; consider the response; ask a better question.

Teams with more automated regression suites need testers with sharp exploratory testing skills.

For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)

Chefs and suppliers: an exploratory look at supply-chain issues in an upscale restaurant alliance.

That exploratory approach permits you to learn by trying a variety of options before you lock in on a direction that constrains implementation of less important features ("Options Thinking").

Since exploratory and intellectual curiosities are two different motives, coincidentally some people enjoy both exploring and thinking.

"We found that fathers are more inclined than mothers to activate exploratory behavior by being less protective," says the study's lead author, Daniel Paquette, a professor at the university.