
Our comrades in propaganda work have the task of disseminating Marxism.

Chinese director Feng Xiaogang will start shooting next month for his new movie, about a Chinese soldier who seeks honors for his fallen comrades, his assistant said Thursday.

From now on, war correspondents, and writers and artists teams and political organs of brigades should redouble their efforts to remedy defects in their external propaganda work, and all comrades in this division should help improve the work.

More than a few of our comrades limit their vision to the people around them and invariably pick for promotion people they happen to know, instead of selecting the best by going deep among the masses. This, too, is bureaucracy of a sort.


No leading comrades at any level must ever place themselves in opposition to the masses.

Some comrades are worried that if they do it this way, they might lose their class stand, not understanding that class stand is manifested differently there.

Many comrades pay scant attention not only to the problem of lowering the average age level of our cadres, but also to the problem of their becoming better educated and acquiring professional knowledge.

To leading comrades of the Chinese People's Volunteers at all levels:

In the course of the discussions of the last few days you have expressed agreement with my report, "The Tasks of the Chinese Communist Party in the Period of Resistance to Japan"; only a few comrades expressed different views.

Here, we are once again emphasizing a few points for the attention of the comrades in all areas:

Tell our comrades to keep calm when problems arise.

We have many veteran comrades in the army and, generally speaking, their common characteristic is that they are very honest and upright.

We should take a sympathetic attitude towards erring comrades, give them plenty of time for consideration and allow them to make reasonable reply, explaining the facts and clarifying their positions. We should particularly encourage sincere self-criticism and receive it warmly.