
Nothing ventured, nothing had .

"He who risks nothing, gains nothing"

We regret nothing.

He had done nothing disgraceful.

There's nothing inherently supernatural about sin.

He is nothing but a snob.

Khrushchev: Nothing... it means nothing. Call it a modest gentleman's agreement to ensure our continued relationship.

He persisted that he had nothing to do with robbery.

That's all nice, but nothing beats the clear flavor of steamed fish, with nothing to disguise the freshness.

Nothing too fancy or showy, of course, and also nothing too clearly marked with real-world signs of status or its absence.

There is nothing more ugly than orthodoxy without understanding or compassion.

Our official response should be that this is nothing to do with us.

Even though the written word C-A-T looks nothing like a cat, and the spoken word "cat" sounds nothing like a cat sounds, when someone says the word out loud, you're able to conjure up an image.

If you know nothing about stocks or you don't have a good stock broker, you could easily lose your money.

There is a lot of dissatisfaction with life, but there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

In those days, nothing seemed to embody our sweet new freedom more than driving after hours, driving with our music loud, driving with no particular place to go.


"Nothing Brave, nothing have"

I did almost nothing.

I squirmed and said nothing.

I have nothing to repent of.

I have nothing either to hope or fear, and nothing to reproach him with.

I have nothing particular to do this evening.

Nothing in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and enterprise software disruption.

James: Well, I got the one, though. Right, Nicole? One grandkid's better than nothing.

Martin's Sunday was the same as before. He slept in the shade of the trees, toiled aimlessly through the newspaper, and spent long hours lying on his back, doing nothing, thinking nothing.

The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive sonsumption.

In this love story, the heroine seemed to have extraordinary strength, all difficulties will be nothing difficult.

Nothing venture, nothing have.

"Nothing venture, nothing have. No pains, no gains"

You are nothing but a drunken whore!

In this massive raft, we had nothing to worry about.

Derrida famously, notoriously, said "there is nothing outside the text," right? What he meant by that, of course, is that there's nothing but text.

"Everything we get, we use right away, nothing is in storage," he said.

He responds: "it's important because we are its legates, and if we question nothing from that costly conflict, then we need question nothing in conflicts of the present and future."

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

He did next to nothing.

I had nothing to read and therefore nothing to do in my cocoon but sleep.

Violation of the act by which it exists would be self-annihilation; and that which is itself nothing can create nothing.

When I got back from France - 23 and still apparently good for nothing but menial labour - I wrote more than 200 letters to advertisers in the Guardian jobs pages, and got nothing.

Nothing venture, nothing have (win).

There's nothing to hide but to hide.

It was because of this music roused within that nothing then felt trivial to the writer.

Never get too carried away by investment euphoria, whether for stocks and shares or bricks and mortar - nothing goes up for ever.

There is nothing that costs less than civility.

Perry notes that procrastinators rarely do nothing; they do marginally useful things as a way of avoiding more important things.

Of course, grim economic news is nothing new to Flint.

I have nothing to trace.

People bring nothing when given birth, and go away also with nothing when dead. Whether you are a prisoner or a monarch, a rich or a beggar, there is no exception.

I owe him nothing.