
Many countries banned some food exports during the food-price spike of 2008.

What talk there was ran on the Tramp Major of this spike.

However, the researchers estimated that eventually that one extra spike affected millions of neurons in the brain.

As a result, at the start of the sales event, the retailers systems experience a tremendous spike in volume, placing a tremendous stress on the relatively cold system.

There is the famous case of Phineas Gage, however, in which brain damage to the frontal lobes of the brain by a railfoad spike turned a sober, hard-working man into a lout.

Many had expected an increase in quotas as members with spare production capacity, led by Saudi Arabia, pushed to avoid a price spike that may dampen long-term demand.

He was a different person after that spike went through his brain.

Each fuzzy hair looked like a "loo brush," said Rind, while every spigot resembled a "small spike."

The alternative, that the carbon came from the volcanoes, is unlikely because the spike is much shorter than the period of volcanic activity.

Proved by experiments, the" three points" fixation ball can reduce recovery time of ball, improve exercise density, strengthen the effevtiveness of assistant method for spike skill, and is applicable for primary teaching and training of volleyball.

Debt advice agencies are describing a sudden spike in inquiries in the last couple of months.

Blended sweeteners can taste better, and they are often cheaper than high-fructose corn syrup-especially since the recent spike in corn prices.

It might play a regulatory role on rice spike development.

And unlike gas and oil, the price of dirt is steady, so my energy bill won't spike with the market.


There's a spike, followed by a decline, followed by a higher spike, followed by a decline to a higher trough, and so on.

Oil prices may climb again, but the euro area weathered the recent spike fairly well and should get back a good slice of any extra it spends on energy imports.

Crucially, the period of plummeting coincides with a phenomenon called the late Triassic fern spike.

Invited to display it, he lifts a heavy stone slab onto a metal spike in the ground and spins it to a blur with a bamboo stick.