
The agreement has been renewed for another year.

The 22 years old fullback Gael Clichy has renewed his contract with Arsenal.

Meanwhile, Japan’s economy is still poised precariously between recovery and renewed slump.

Recent renewed surge of the dollar has helped send the pound and the French franc to new lows.

Again, Yao Ming has suffered no physical harm, and his condition is like unto that of his home nation: inviolate, resilient, and eternally renewed.

In 1925, he and Frieda returned to Europe and settled in a Tuscany farm villa. Once more his powers were renewed.

But the Dickey-Wicker amendment, applied originally to an appropriation bill passed in 1996, and renewed each year since, bans federal funding of the destruction of human embryos for research.

We wish to thank the Shanghai Institute of Standardization for its cooperation in executing this Agreement, and we look forward to an exciting new year, exciting new projects, and a renewed, regenerated partnership.


Our stock of coal has not renewed yet.

The new booklet is also a renewed effort to preserve WMO history for future generations.

38 world records were renewed. US swimmer Michael Phelps and Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt emerged as the super stars.

I always just assume that source material was renewed, and therefore falls into the public domain 95 years after its original publication.

We have already seen a little renewed federalism with the current administration's policy of not prosecuting marijuana users when their use of the drug is consistent with state medical-marijuana laws.

Out of the earth there arose a power within me, whilst from above I also received strength; I felt an ever-renewed and ever-increasing happiness, and therefore I was obliged to go on Blooming. That was my life; I could not do otherwise."

We have renewed our friendly relationship with Western countries.

"Nevertheless, his contract with Yamaha has not been renewed and the former motorcross star is thinking about his future career."

When soya and beef prices briefly began to climb at the end of 2007 there was a renewed spurt of hacking and burning. But it was swiftly quashed.

The burnt coil should be renewed.

Psychically renewed, we could then return aboveground and put up with another couple of days of victimization.

Nokia has a renewed spring in its step, having recovered from a stumble in early 2004, when a lacklustre product line-up caused its market share to drop below 30% for the first time in years.

But psychologists and brain scientists have recently renewed their interest in this everyday surreal activity.

Out of the earth there arose a power within me, whilst from above I also received strength; I felt an ever-renewed and ever-increasing happiness, and therefore I was obliged to go on blooming.

October's rate also renewed pressure on China to accelerate the appreciation of its currency, a move which many believe could dampen inflation in the country.

The pilot renewed contact with the control tower.

Eventually burgeoning debt will limit the room for fiscal manoeuvre, and politicians may balk at renewed stimulus long before then.