
The sun dissipated the mist.

A flagpole loomed up through the mist.

The mist melted rapidly in the morning sun.

The dishwashing machines were off, but steam still rose from them like a jungle mist.

Ahead, I could see the lights of the downtownskyscrapers, rising into mist.

The Namibian mist rapidly dissipates once the sun rises, so the beetle has just a brief opportunity to collect water.

To the far distance, mist shrouded the earth, like a layer of white yarn, indistinct, only to see a few bare branches open white bud.

It looks like the special effects department have been at work in this image of a fighter jet with a cloud of mist around it.

Sadly, after over twenty years have passed since the war ended, many can still only vaguely see the contour of that door as if looking through a veil of mist.

The efficiency of this process depends on the surface area of the sorbent, and an easy way to increase the surface area is to spray a liquid sorbent into the air as a fine mist.

The sun shone and the mist dissipated.

The early morning mist cleared before we set out.

The mist, gloomily empurpled, magnified the star. One would have called it a luminous wound.

Gossamer veils of fog lay over the dark spruce and hemlock hills that disappeared in the mist above me.

This morning all surfaces, even indoors, damp as a result of mist. A curious deposit all over my snuff-box, evidently residue of moisture acting on lacquer.

Through the mist came a man at so feverish a pace that he seemed to dance with fury as he entered the orb of glow from a street-lamp.

The morning mist gradually thinned.

The land is draped in a veil of mist.

The thick nitrogen atmosphere holds fog, mist, smoggy haze and rain clouds.

I caught up with a nitrate train, chugging along, its open wagons trailing a gauze of white mist.

I did not see a single shot fired from the crowd in the few minutes we sat there watching people flail without any place to hide - a gut wrenching pink mist spraying strait in the air.

The mist eddied round the old castle.

A work of art is a mist carved into an image.

A flawless language has already become the mist, the Qin sigh language, spicy heart dissatisfaction, but to mention the past end point of no return.

The mountain villages were hazed by mist in the morning.

Stratus. These low-lying clouds "can give you a strangely claustrophobic feeling." When a stratus cloud forms at a very low level, it is called fog or mist.

And who knows but a crystal is mist in decay?


The view dissolved in mist.

Sitting beneath fans spraying a cool mist, families savor evening snacks at a park in Baghdad's upscale Al Karradah district.

And something terrifying was pursuing her and she was running, running till her heart was bursting, running in a thick swimming fog, crying out, blindly seeking that nameless, unknown haven of safety that was somewhere in the mist about her.