
Death, she felt, had been exiled from medicine.

For decades, Lithuania's exiled diplomats issued usable passports even though their country was under Soviet rule.

"Less successful at ruling countries than at liberating them, Bolívar exiled himself and died on his way to Europe"

Most Spaniards want to see them in court. They may prefer to be exiled to a beach somewhere in the Caribbean.

The meeting was overshadowed by a row between Thailand and Cambodia, which has offered sanctuary to Thaksin Shinawatra, an exiled former Thai prime minister. See article


Larry was exiled to a distant land.

Hamas's exiled chief, Khaled Meshal, is frequently at odds with leaders in Gaza.

The story ended badly, with the good doctor put to death as a traitor and Caroline Mathilde exiled to Hanover, the British monarchy's ancestral home.

The toppling of Colonel qaddafi-no matter whether he is eventually tried, killed or exiled-will be a boon to the Middle East and Western powers that supported the rebels.

At one point she was exiled too for anti-Soviet agitation.

Spring and Autumn Period, Chu famous political family, was exiled poet Qu Yuan, in the Miluo River Bank-Community mountains lived.

The tomb of Dante, exiled from his native Florence.

It frames the crisis as a battle to save the revered monarchy from the clutches of the exiled former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra.

Mr Musharraf is also now exiled to London, yet Mr Sharif continues to demand he be prosecuted for treason.

He was exiled to a distant land.

She consulted judges in Panama City who she thought might know how to reach exiled citizens.