
Teacher training: practicum experiences, professional training, and kindergarten instructional supervision group.c.

Students will also be given a chance to do a practicum.

Therefore, how to strengthen teaching management during the practicum period, to guarantee and improve the quality of clinical practice is vital aspect for cultivating qualified medical personnel.

Several students met their TEFL practicum requirements.

Research participants include 75 students taking up the course “basic nursing practicum” for the first time.

This diploma program includes a practicum which will allow the student to practice their skills, and experience the Spa environment first hand.

Teaching practicum is an important link in teachers 'college education. Problems in teaching practicum exist and measures to solve them are put forward.

With a brief analysis of theory of reflective teaching, the paper illustrates how to apply this theory to the practicum thus to extend novice English teachers profession.

Rather the practicum follows a participatory action research model whereby students work hand-in-hand with LCW members.


A key component of MITE is the practicum.

The purpose of this study was to explore the coaching process of the special education practicum mentor.