
63% of men also report that hair loss or balding has negatively affected their careers.

This is because androgen receptors, a key hormone in the process of balding, are on the X chromosome.

Men who are balding and ageing do not necessarily lose their looks, according to a recent international survey on what makes men attractive.

You haven't changed the photo. An earnest expression, balding but with some beautiful white hair, thin lips, a sharp chin, glasses ... I remember thinking you were not handsome enough for me.

Huddled in a wheelchair was an old, balding, emaciated woman.

At 37, Nisan is already balding, and his remaining hair has gone gray.

Some wore headsets; others talked into phones; two balding men in brown suits jabbered in some clipped foreign tongue, hands poking the cold air.

As further proof to debunk this myth, Khadavi points out that hair transplanted to balding areas produces new hair growth, demonstrating that there is adequate blood flow to the area to support hair.

Yet the balding John McCain masks, selling for the same price, were left in the bins behind the register.

Though he was never a monk, there was a monkish look about him: the balding head, the frank, kindly eyes, the life spent in rigorous discipline among ancient texts.

Instead of an old book, they found the now dead, balding, short-tailed rat, which they summarily removed.

You certainly wouldn't see many paunchy, balding, older guys on TV.

The oldest hell-born brother of three, the Violator is a demon sent to Earth in disguise as an overweight, balding clown with a menacing face paint.


Broad-shouldered, balding, with a trim mustache, sharp features, piercing eyes.