
These steers are usually very thin, with sores on their backs and hips.

The tune describes a fisherman who steers his boat on a river AS fAScinated with the surrounding landscape.

Nor are South Africa, Indonesia or Saudi Arabia, although they too are in the G20, which supposedly steers the world economy.

Thee most professional choice is a non-denominational card (unless you're certain about what tradition he or she personally observes) that steers clear of humor, which can be seen as offensive.


There are millions of steers in the world, but human happiness is kinda scarce.

Rather than prescribing a plan-build-assemble sequence of activities for a software project, they describe an iterative, incremental process that steers development teams toward results.

The new lens, which is thinner at the bottom than at the top, steers light to a viewer's eyes by switching light-emitting diodes along its bottom edge on and off.

On deck, mother shouts orders and steers, while father poles to keep the boat off the bank.

His protagonists are usually ordinary people trying to get by in life, until some type of ethereal male guide steers them into a new direction, sometimes quite literally.

Politicians dismiss accusations as vengeance or fantasy; women, sometimes threatened, fear for their jobs or reputations; the press steers clear.

Good fodder fleshed the steers up.

Talent: Writer-director J.J. Abrams steers Kyle Chandler (TV's Friday Night Lights) and Dakota Fanning's younger, talented sister Elle (Somewhere) through their paces.

Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable steers us back to Latin in explaining that Pliny thought hyenas had a kind of stone in their eye, that if you put under your tongue gave the gift of prophecy.