
An employer can only stipulate one probation period with a same worker.

Most of the offenders (74 percent) are on parole or probation-a much cheaper alternative to incarceration.

The Pew Centre on the States, a research outfit, reports that one in 100 Americans is incarcerated. One in 31 is in prison, on parole or on probation.

How long is my probation?

Wages for those who pass the probation will rise to 2,000 yuan.

USA TOday found that nearly 60% of firings occur in the first two years of employment, mostly workers on probation and outside the federal job protection system.

I: We will accept you for a three months 'period of probation.

In reception, the phone rings constantly; calls are connected to the detox unit, probation service and a team of former addicts who now counsel current ones.

During the probation period, a worker may discharge the labor contract if he informs the employer three days in advance.


A: By the way, how long is my probation?

We built another business totry to support this, and we got sued, I got put up for probation, so my prompt record does say, I was on probation in Princeton.