
One last thing — silence is okay once in awhile too.

But from an economy perspective, I feel reasonably okay with what we did.

I then insist, okay, swap, and then I print out their values again.

I stayed with Grampy, and that was okay with me. I was where I wanted to be.

You can increase the concentration once your body is okay with it and there are no apparent symptoms.

And quite frankly, I enjoy ignoring my own untended messes in order to help others clean theirs, leaving my own life in occasional (okay, steady) disarray.

I was lucking to be an okay jock in hockey, as captain and leading scorer of the high school team, but in college my lack of speed got me again. I had to give it up.

Whereas when two people fall in love, okay, the romance wears off, but love deepens in other ways, and they learn to adjust and they decide it's worth it.

The Unemployment Olympians are laughing, but they are not okay.

There is often some overlap with the Conclusions, but that's okay.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, " he murmured softly, wrapping his left arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

One minute I feel okay and I think I can deal with what happened, and then the next minute I feel overwhelmed and weak.

They did some research, they did some preliminary analysis and they basically had the BWR people fix certain things but they concluded that it was kind of okay for PWRs back at that time.


Is itl okay to stke in the office?

For instance, if your husband is prone to fits of cursing in front of your child, let him know it's not okay. Let him know WHY it's not okay, not just that you disapprove.

The women were shaken but okay, and after the Lanes delivered them to their condo, they all said they'd see one another again during the week.

We’re okay with ensuring we remove children from immediate harm’s way, but we do little to provide such children (and their parents) the resources they need to change these behaviors long-term.

Don't come out of your hiding-place until I give you the okay.

I've heard the best words, not any love words from my ex boyfriend, but girlfriends, it's okay with me. I've been there.

Not tomorrow, but we'll go back real soon, okay?

Then they started saying,well,okay wait a minute, they kind of liked Buddhism, they thought it kind of looked a bit like Protestantism.

Did they all just say, okay, we were wrong you're our Apostle, you're the big daddy, everything's fine?

That's okay. Give them a quote.

AGGRESSIVE You meanie!You told everyone who I THIS!!!!!AAAAHHH!Uh...I guess PASSIVE Hey!Are you okay?