
Unlike other sugars, it bypasses the pancreas and heads for the liver, Bellati said.

Triple coronary bypasses, not routine doctor's visits, are where the real money is, so insurance is essential.

Investing bypasses those alarms. You're not spending the money; you're just moving it from one asset to another.

The Chinese have invested in mining and offshore oil exploration, plus some big infrastructure projects, such as new bypasses around Nairobi.

Air that is inhaled through the mouth bypasses the nasal canal and the paranasal sinuses and is not filtered, warmed, and humidified as it is when inhaled through the nose.

A new road now bypasses the town.

Interstate 295 is a 20-mile beltway that bypasses Jacksonville's Busy downtown area.

NET bypasses execution of the current event handler and allows a caching module to serve a request from the cache.

A condition whereby the interface of two fluids, such as oil and water, bypasses sections of reservoir as it moves along, creating an uneven, or fingered, profile.


A device that interrupts, bypasses, or disconnects a circuit or circuit element.

Traffic is maintained on bypasses, and fill from the bridge onstruction is reused to build the bridge approaches.

But since one of the benefits of QE is that it largely bypasses the banking system, it is less helpful to small firms that rely on Banks for finance.

Life is a narrow meandering footpath. It bypasses brambles among grass and weeds, bypasses pitfalls among gravels and steep hills, twists and turns among the green hills and clear waters.

All of the ion exchanger resins are temperature sensitive; therefore, a temperature diver valve bypasses letdown flow if the letdown heat exchanger outlet temperature rises to a predetermined value.

HSBC, another carbon-neutral bank, finds the market for offsets so murky that it bypasses all brokers and devises its own projects.

A touch attack or ranged touch attack bypasses any armor bonus or natural armor bonus.

Since the novel cable with low line loss is very expensive, the erection must strengthen the measures for resisting natural hazards and reduce bending points and bypasses.