
She bought a new frock and wore flowers in her hair.

The morning coat, a pared-down frock coat, though still very fitted, set the trend for smaller coats.

The man was of lofty stature, clad in a long frock-coat, with a cudgel under his arm.

The ugly girl never bought a new frock, never made repairs to the house, and never drank in the village tavern.

Banksy, the British guerrilla artist, has already sprayed the wall with a few of his ironic creations (my favorite: a little girl in a pink frock frisking an armed soldier).


She is wearing a frock made from 11 recycled dresses by ethical designer Gary Harvey.

We know by now that Keira wears a period frock well, even if it's more working class than fanciful.

Not only am I obliged to wear heels and a posh frock, I am expected to tackle a wood-pigeon salad with an unnecessary amount of cutlery.

Her cousin, after watching her endeavours a while, at last summoned courage to help her; she held her frock, and he filled it with the first that came to hand.

I was wearing a little summer frock the day we met, with my arms exposed.

The frock coat full of wadding, cut close to pull the figure into shape, gradually gave way to a looser but still precise jacket.

'Or I'll take off my best frock and help you wring up?

In addition to the distinction of a white frock, every woman and girl carried in her right hand a peeled willow wand, and in her left a bunch of white flowers.

Were you asked to tea? 'she demanded, tying an apron over her neat black frock, and standing with a spoonful of the leaf poised over the pot.

Anyway, who looked more fantastic in the frock?

And they didn't think that he chose the colour o 'my pretty frock - no - how could they?