
A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her.

At this time, however, an artistic creation particular to New Orleans would resuscitate the city's fortunes.

Gadre might be just what the doctor ordered, but it will take bold strokes to resuscitate this platform.

To help spur lending, resuscitate America's moribund housing sector, and boost the economy as a whole, the Federal Reserve has aggressively cut interest rates during the past year.

Whodunit: DiC Entertainment and Scottish television teamed up to resuscitate Sherlock Holmes for a distant future featuring a Moriarty clone on the rampage.


"We tried to resuscitate her, but were unsuccessful," Ettinger said.

The soul, going down stream in this gulf, may become a corpse. Who shall resuscitate it?

Foley said he's seen victims of digital death spend as long as 18 years trying to resuscitate their credit lives.

A London ambulance spokesman said: "Our staff immediately took over the treatment of the patient and made extensive efforts to resuscitate him both at the scene and on the way to hospital."

The character in the picture has the ability to purify and resuscitate.

Returning from making phone calls to find his patient not breathing, he told police he tried to resuscitate him and one of Jackon's staff called for an ambulance.

After trying to resuscitate her multiple times, doctors declared her dead at 10:37 p. m.

Beijing is also widely expected to introduce measures to resuscitate the faltering property market, in an attempt to prevent a U.S.-style crash in home prices.

A paramedic called to a patient's home would know of a do-not-resuscitate order, for example.

Why did South Korea “resuscitate” Chinese Characters?

He had a heart attack and all attempts to resuscitate him failed.