
How would you grade the assignment?

I haven't played basketball or football since the eighth grade.

But they will grade under my supervision, and in keeping with the standards that I ask them to grade with.

Various chloasma, cyasma, black spot, sun spot, low-grade peeling spot, various biogliph, anti-sallow, desalinate the low-grade freckle, and those have symptoms of melanin formation.

It shows an assessment of reading proficiency levels in fourth grade.

Top-grade Jasmine tea always has enduring fragrance and unforgettable after taste.

"Gagno," he said, "means child, but it's a word loaded with mockery." Second-grade kids say it to first graders.

The recent grade inflation at Loyola University will be retroactive to 2007, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

And I spent part of my second grade year in Sweden, where my father was on sabbatical as a professor of sociology.

Instead of going home to grade homework or writing up a test, you just sit back and watch the students as they scurry about trying to finish their projects.

Parents are declaring their kid a genius because she learned to tie a double knot without being taught or received five more star stickers than any other student in second grade.

They sort apples by grade.

I flunked math in second grade.

Glass, stainless steel and some plastics are food grade.

An applicant who blames a roommate or mean professor for a bad grade sounds like a grade-school kid blaming a sibling for a broken lamp.

More than two unexcused absences will seriously jeopardize your class participation grade.

Many Cambridge college admissions tutors say that the grade predictions for state - and private-school applicants seem equally erratic.

With one of my children, the powerful girl in their group of four friends convinced the others — in second grade — to ditch my daughter at recess.

Shafaq was in tenth grade when the Taliban rose to power in 1996 promising security to a populace tired of the bitter conflict among ethnic warlords including Hazara factions.


Who can rate these investment grade securities?

To reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote.

Will the contractor have to use a different grade of asphalt binder?

However, all Indonesian that finished their grade school should be able to speak and comprehend proper Indonesian.

These estimates presuppose an Iranian decision to further process low-enriched material to weapons grade - a process taking no more than a couple of months.

The main cause leading to the accident at sea is the human element through the statistics of accident between fishing boats and merchant ships from1991 to2001 and the analysis of accident in five fields including grade, visibility, time, place and vessel.

They had grade-point averages of 3.0 or below at the end of eighth grade and were not emotionally or developmentally impaired.

"Then the teacher added, `If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.' "

In reality, however, Hidden Curriculum is always ignored by the teaching staffs under the autocratic of instrumental ration and the solo pursuance of students entering schools of a higher grade.

They market their instruments with fraudulent investment grade ratings.

Years later we realized her marks were a ruse. My mother was illiterate; she had only received a third-grade education.

I am one grade below him.

The glass blocks covering the walls and roof allow natural light to illuminate the entries and extend below-grade through the diagonal space of the stairs and escalators.

We have set up a metric to grade your writing examinations.

I think my interest in the latter started in fourth grade when I saw a photo of an angler fish (click at your own risk) for the first time — and subsequently had nightmares for weeks.

I and my teaching assistants who grade these assignments must use judgment that we have gained from experience to fairly grade the students.