
That would further entrench the divisions between the two sides.

The danger is that the German presidency will entrench this lop-sided approach.

He said that the entire election process, including the election and party registration laws, is rigged to entrench the regime in power.

And with worries over climate change and with the advance of green technology there are reasons to expect that 2010 will entrench the trend towards energy conservation even as economic growth resumes.


They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts.

Ukraine is a case study in how to entrench the gains of revolution—and how to squander them.

But if the managers' stockholding ratio is more than or equal to 32.88%, the increasement of the managers' stockholding may raise the agent costs and entrench upon external Stockholders.

Rather, they encourage decline, entrench divisions and thus threaten the harmony they pretend to nurture.

Reagan's enduring legacy was to entrench lower taxes as part of small-government philosophy. Lower taxes seized the public's imagination in a way that deregulation never has.

Global customers of iron ore believe it will entrench the miners' pricing power.

It may also entrench deflation.

With two senators for each state regardless of population, the Senate reflects the founders' dread of an over-mighty centre and the states' determination to entrench their prerogatives.

Voting got off to a slow start in the uncontested presidential runoff poll in Zimbabwe in which President Robert Mugabe is seeking to entrench himself as president for an another five years.