A New Textual Criticism on the Historical Facts of Shenyang Anglo-American POW Camp

The Geneva Convention recognizes that a POW may have the duty to attempt escape. In fact, the Geneva Convention prohibits a captor nation from executing a POW simply for attempting escape.

In another case of POW massacre, the Japanese stationed in Palawan Island, Philippines tried to kill all their American Prisoners after wrongly assuming Allied forces had invaded.

Make sure that nobody is allowed to aBuse them, make sure they are properly guarded to prevent escape, and make sure they arrive safely at the POW processing point.

An earlier POW returnee was given a new Corvette by a Denver dealer and totaled it the next month.

The Doris Day who is married to Col. Bud Day, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, fighter pilot, Vietnam POW and roommate of John McCain at the Hanoi Hilton.

Prisoner of War(POW) Camp

Sure, Rambo takes on a huge chunk of the Vietnamese soldiers guarding a POW camp and slaughters them all.


The water torture was a favorite among Japanese POW guards during WWII.

Before the primaries were over, an AD hoc veterans group supporting Bush accused McCain of betraying his country in the five and a half years he was a POW in North Vietnam.

Three British officers form a bond as they flee a POW camp at the beginning of World War II.

It's In the South West corner of the POW courtyard, through a locked door. Although one look at me will tell you that I've never been In there myself.