
Now their breezy confidence seems misplaced.

But not everyone is as breezy about their decision as Natalie.

A report and warning on the same product, for a breezy teen beauty blog, aims at preventing the product's use.

At home, a breezy opposition Socialist Party has started to believe that the next presidential election, in 2012, is there for the taking.

That night after Alejandro closed the restaurant, we all walked by the breezy and moonlit oceanfront Malecon drive and I got to have a few words with her.


It's breezy and pleasant today.

Turn yourself into a breezy goddess by opting for the braided, crochet or beaded headband models.

shift in an author's e-mail style, from breezy to unusually formal, can raise a red flag about illegal activity.

In the right climate, both can be deployed at "utility scale," meaning that if it's breezy or sunny enough, a wind or solar farm can produce as much power as a coal-fired plant.

A clear, crispy day dry and breezy air, full of oxygen.

Mr Cheney's new memoir, despite its breezy self-justification, does little to dispel that notion, showing exactly how a vice-president can run amok.

I can see the breezy dome of groves.

Similarly a bright and breezy approach to potential change may lead us to believe that changing ourselves is easy, when often it requires considerable, sometimes monumental, effort.

Bergen is a gifted if occasionally breezy writer, with an ability to find narrative perspectives and reach strong conclusions.

It's breezy today.

Earlier this year investors were too pessimistic. Now their breezy confidence seems misplaced.