
He gave a concise and firm summary of our position.

Cause we already know how to write it in a lovely, concise way.

Improved edition windbreaker. Style more concise, more low-key also facilitate wearing, suitable for the fast rhythm of modern life.

Constraint patterns 7 are predefined constraint expressions that can be instantiated and subsequently configured for developing constraints in a concise way.

You will have enormous power if you are the person in the office who can write a clear and concise memo.

Teaching content should be concise.

Also note the continuing pattern of unchecked exceptions, which keeps the code remarkably concise.

Mappings that relate individual instances may not be the most concise and convenient way to specify a transformation.

Cheng, a local-trained professional conductor, is renowned for his concise conducting skills and efficient rehearsals to garner critical acclaims among local professional orchestras.


His writing style is concise and infectious.

Because we only had to override one simple method, this was a concise way to achieve our goal.

But there are scenarios where the application of functional programming concepts can be applied to PHP applications, resulting in code that is simpler, more concise, and easier to understand.

The form of allusion refers to steady and concise expression of language.

The color design, whose hands for gives fully in concise fashion temperament, is to play the part of beautiful young classical wrist watch, let a person fondle admiringly, pondering is boundless.

This leads us back to the point of making your logging concise and logging enough information to trace the call through the system.

An analysis result is a concise explanation of a rule violation.

The concise part of the name that only need be unique within its own context is the local name.