
Regardless of what Zuckerberg does, business leaders must prepare for being victimized by fake news.

So I think the feeling of being humiliated and victimized internationally has deep roots in China's own society.

And, like him, each of us can be crucified and victimized — and is to a certain degree.

As a mediator, he brokered settlements in long-running product liability suits brought by those who said they were victimized by Agent Orange, asbestos and the Dalkon Shield.

While condemning users of fake credentials on both legal and moral grounds, we somehow tend to sympathize with them as they are victimized by a society addicted to the credential mania.

I was victimized the whole evening by his constant chatter.

"The theft is widespread and pervasive, and these people are being horribly victimized," Elroy testified.

We need to strengthen education systems to ensure that young people are enriched by cultural diversity, not victimized by those who exploit differences for narrow ends.

In the Obama narrative, each side has been equally victimized by history, each side has legitimate grievances and each side has duties to perform.


I was victimized the whole evening by his loquacity.

", All if "Water Margin" Guan Fu hoodwink the inside does not follow this rule will be victimized by this rule."

I think the emergence of such an article reflects the emerging anti-Chjna trend and that the Sino-US relationship has been victimized by partisan politics in the United States.

Union leaders claimed that somemembers had been victimized (eg by being dismissed) for taking part in the strike.

The middle peasants were victimized by all the mistakes we made in differentiating classes, distributing movable property, executing people, etc.; we encroached upon their interests very seriously in imposing grain levies on them, and we even harmed the interests of poor peasants.

It's a simple concept, but some teachers seem to derive greater joy from feeling victimized than they do from feeling victorious.

Greedy money genders victimized local villagers who wanted to start small businesses.

Put aside the whole story of being wronged and victimized, then have an honest, heartfelt conversation with yourself asking what you really want your life to be about.