
So we have a hypothesis.

If the hypothesis does not match the observations, you must revise your hypothesis.

The mathematical formulation of this hypothesis is a persuasive one.

A scientist makes observations, poses a hypothesis to explain the observations, and then systematically tests the hypothesis, looking for evidence that either supports or refutes its validity.

Somebody? What's the key thing? It must have the potential to refute the hypothesis.

It is proved that the uniform density hypothesis is the sufficiency condition for the proportional expansion hypothesis under the existence of the breech boundary motion and the mass jet.

But what will it mean for the efficient market hypothesis if the market rallies on the news?

As we began to gather material, though, the life-on-Mars hypothesis was flagging under the rigors of continued scientific scrutiny.

It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings.

One of the most bizarre is the "many worlds" hypothesis, which states that the cat is both alive and dead, and that both cats exist in different universes that will never overlap with one another.

mantle convection hypothesis

Otherwise you must retain the null hypothesis.

Darwin described the 'inhibition hypothesis' where emotions involuntarily leak out.

The generalized hypothesis would therefore predict that physically attractive parents should have more daughters than sons.

The challenge now, they said, is to test the hypothesis that "dieting is ineffective because it is a stressor."

Recent scientific analysis no longer supports the idea that extinctions on Earth happen at regular, repeating intervals. Thus, the Nemesis hypothesis is no longer needed.

And now there's a brand new paper in Psychological Science by Faraz Farzin, Susan Rivera and David Whitney that provides some of the best evidence yet for the lantern hypothesis.

Whichever hypothesis is right (and both could be), South Korea and its Allies find themselves in a difficult position: how do you respond to North Korea without risking escalation?

But this hypothesis was based on skewed, outdated research.

The increase in aggression and decrease in foraging also support this hypothesis.

The upshot of all this is that the stem-cell hypothesis of cancer growth looks a good one.

For Simpson, though, seeing her hot tower hypothesis verified over the next two decades was surely a kind of poetic justice as well.


fair price hypothesis

These are arguments in favor of this hypothesis.

It sits there as an empirical hypothesis on which somebody (you, maybe?) could write a Master's thesis.

She is waiting to enter a new type of Alzheimer's drug study that will, in the boldest effort yet, test the leading hypothesis about how to slow or stop this terrifying brain disease.

He admits that this is still an unproven hypothesis, but it is one worth considering.

And therein lies the dangerous hypothesis: if all these attributes go hand in hand, it is much more plausible to suggest that economic success is passed on from generation to generation.

Their hypothesis is that my wasted deliberation in the drugstore is a metacognitive mistake.

But how might he study such a hypothesis?

With the condition of the basic hypothesis, the approximate calculation formula was worked out on the gas folwing speed in the tubular centrifugal ventilator.

They called their hypothesis “Snowball Earth.