with young造句

She's very patient with young children.

He hopes intercourse with young people by his music!

The elephant goes with young nearly two years

teachers and policy makers to discuss issues of sexuality with young people.

But that's the trouble with young people, no matter how talented.

Why use new teas with aged leaves to fill in the pillow core but not those with young leaves?

A substantial number of mothers with young children are deterred from undertaking paid work because they lack access to childcare.

with young造句

The beach rang with young people's shouts.

The band F4 is very popular with young girls.

Cutting with young shoot of tissue culture seedling, the rooting rate is over 98%.

ANOTHER part of London belongs to the police tonight after hours of conflict with young and not so young protesters and looters.

The dress in slim, elegant, full and flowing style has found the greatest favour with young ladies.

At his age, he dresses up young and is very popular with young people.

Male directors mentor young men but are reluctant to get chummy with young women, lest the relationship be misconstrued.

With a new farm bill to be debated in Congress, consumers must take a stand with young farmers.

trees verdant with young leaves

Among that age group, people with young children and managerial jobs were most likely to suffer.

Thee delicate flower is naturally associated with young people, to to be specific, the only children in our current society.

It's better to err on the side of tolerance when dealing with young offenders.

Salesmen found that soft sell works well with young housewives.

Middle-aged men get on the bus with young men and sit side by side in search of vacant seats.

The film has really clicked with young audiences.