
Scala was a meritorious public servant.

Download Scala: Start learning it with this series!

Scala programmers still rely on features provided by the JDK, although many times the equivalent can be found in the Scala SDK.

Recall from Chapter 1 that Scala USES square brackets ([...]) for generic type parameters.


So I can only imagine how hypnotizing those songs and anthems can be live at the Scala del Calcio.

In fact, in a future article, we'll packAge all this up into a Scala "sbaz" package and put it out on the Web someplace for easy downloading.


还需注意,对于if/else返回的 “method”对象的类型,Scala编译器会进行doestherightthing类型推断。

这有时在 C++ 中称为 “混合”,与Ruby 的混合(或后文中探讨的Scala混合)有所不同。


因为分号,函数返回类型,方法参数列表,甚至大括号都经常会被省略,使用等于号可以避免几种可能的二义*。 使用等于号也提醒了我们,即使是函数,在Scala 里面也是值。


The Scala Quautity Relation Discussion of Vilocity,Acceleration and Displacement;

To make your own decision, and to learn more about Scala check out their website.

Many years tenure, Muti was petitioned to resign by the entire orchestra and staff of la Scala.


清单 2 中的内容平淡无奇:先创建两个有理数,然后再创建两个 Rational,作为前面两个有理数的和与差,最后将这几个数回传到控制台上(注意,tln()来自Scala核心库,位于scala.* 中,它被隐式地导入每个Scala程序中,就像Java编程中的 一样)。

换句话说,Scala有一个特殊的语法(更确切一些,是一个特殊的语法关系)来代替 “应用”*作符 “()”。



We ended the last chapter with a few “teaser” examples of Scala code.

For now, we'll wave farewell to Scitter and start the happy hunt for a new project to solve with Scala.




Scala: Download Scala and start learning it with this series!


It is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, the shopping arcade that connects Piazza Duomo and Piazza la Scala, where this pavilion is going to get build.


Defining this unary "operator" in Scala is slightly tricky, but it's purely a syntactic nit.

Remember to grab the latest Scala bits (2.7.0-final at the time of this writing) and play around with the examples provided to get a feel for how the language operates (see Resources).

In fact, Scala blends functional concepts and object orientation.


这些例子甚至还没有开始接触到Scala 的模式匹配特*的最表面。

Scala found the Age distasteful.

All of this leads us to the real powerhouse of the Scala control construct suite: the for construct.