
They smiled uncertainly at one another.

"The gods are good," his hostage said, uncertainly.

They answered so uncertainly and strangely that Hamlet could not understand what they were saying.

As I write, my brain feels as if it's rotating very gently, floating uncertainly inside the cavity of my skull.

Ok, so, we talked about uncertainly of our life, we talked about how much we wish to be liberated, we talked about our valued system.

Some glaring uncertainly still needed to be resolved, but I would expect the Asian financial crisis to bottom out in a number of years and we shall then witness a slow but sure road towards recovery.


He entered the hallway and stood uncertainly.

For the first time her lips quivered uncertainly.

I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air

Slowly, uncertainly, dressing-gowned people were creeping down the steps, looking around nervously for some sign of the Death Eaters who had fled into the night.

"Hello," he said uncertainly.

At age 60, my life that in an orderly way had greatly changed, uncertainly.

A loss contingency involves a greater degree of uncertainty. Often the uncertainly extends to whether or not any loss or expense actually has been incurred.

She hovered uncertainly near the front door.

When our well-intentioned Chinese observers came to Benjamin's rescue, they did not simply push his hand down clumsily or uncertainly, as I might have done.

Finger poised uncertainly above the flashing red button?

She was wearing her everyday pumps and resembled Goldilocks in daunting woods as she peered around uncertainly at the naked metal equipment and the fungal floors and the clustered balls in mesh bags.

The uncertainly investors feel will magnify any small bit of bad news.

Justice is the principle to deal with things. The true macroscopical theory without any doubt uncertainly is fit for concrete, microcosmic thing.