
I saw my acupuncturist weekly and the healing process accelerated.

Fiscal and taxation systems continued to improve, and financial reform was accelerated.

By inheriting the data from existing reservations, we have further accelerated the reservation request process for users.

Of course, growing could be further accelerated with 24-hour lighting, but do not count on that for now.

Under the declining-balance method, an accelerated depreciation rate is computed as a specified percentage of the straight-line depreciation rate.

Science and Technology: Due attention was paid to exert the scientific and technological advantages. The industrialization progress of scientific results was accelerated.

Work was accelerated to ensure that every county seat is served by asphalt roads, that every township has access to electricity, and that every village enjoys radio and television reception.

The car suddenly accelerated.

The question is now, is it going to be accelerated uphill or accelerated downhill or no acceleration at all?

If this new way of writing scripts accelerated the writing, then testers could easily surmount each release's overhead work.

Nor is it even the accelerated speed of his ascent, a state senator in 2004 elected President just four years later.

This natural tendency was in some cases retarded by laws contrived for the purpose of detaining the land in the families of its existing possessors, in other cases accelerated by political revolutions.

This supports inflation theory and provides further evidence for the mysterious "Dark Energy" that is predicted to permeate through the universe, causing space-time to expand at an accelerated rate.

Trade and investment liberalization and facilitation should be advanced and regional economic integration accelerated.

Then, on some signal, the bees accelerated. They unhaloed Mark and left him standing there wet, "in panting, joyful amazement.

The folk custom of jade worship is a kind of spiritual folk custom, which has existed in prehistoric society, and it has accelerated the birth of ritual system in ancient china.

The heart rate is regularly accelerated and then retarded.

Vietnam had only begun opening when Asia's 1997 economic storm hit, so, unlike some of its neighbours, it was largely unscathed, and growth has accelerated since.


Price rises in Britain have even accelerated.

Other scientists put the beginning of the new epoch in the middle of the 20th century, when the rates of both population growth and consumption accelerated rapidly.

But is the company more profitable than if it had used an accelerated method? The answer is no!

As protons or heavy nuclei, such as gold, are accelerated to nearly the speed of light, the quarks and gluons inside flatten into a pancakelike structure, a relativistic effect called Lorentz contraction.

More expensive "accelerated" graphics CARDS are equipped with circuitry that optimizes such tasks.