
The glum groom grew glummer.

The players sat there with glum looks on their faces.

As exports have slipped, the mood in Germany has turned glum.

As a result, Mr Bush's prospects in 2007 look, at first sight, pretty glum.

"You' re back early! " she cried,reaching up to kiss him. "Oh, dear. " She laughed at his glum face.

With a month to go, Americans may hear a dirge of glum economic news nearly every day between now and the election.

As the whistle blew he faced away from me but luckily he arched backwards just at the same time as a glum-faced Michael Ballack walked by.

It was a pleasant change from the glum-mer days of the old Wembley, when scattered clusters of people peered gloomily at a struggling England team over the vast, empty wastes of the dog-track.

glum expressions, faces, features

She was very glum and was obviously missing her children.

In the back-to-school spirit, here is a cribber’s guide to the glum atmosphere.

Dafeng because the vibration abundant and show Jane things and glum, want to know exactly how think brother heart.

His glum conclusion, delivered at a conference in 1993, was that although the myth about the KGB's invincibility had collapsed, the agency itself was very much alive.

He looks grey, owlish, bespectacled and glum. If the Republicans are looking for a jolt of inspiration and a fresh face to lead them into battle, Mr McConnell is not their man.


Harris nodded, looking glum.

Why so glum?The votes haven't been counted yet.

When she was away for a day or two the house seemed glum-the meals less appetizing .

NATIONS, like people, occasionally get the blues; and right now the United States, normally the world’s most self-confident place, is glum.

He is glum about world affairs.

Jinshan Fire Garlic is characterized as lacquer white, thick, plenty of oil-bearing, rich in glum materials.

Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three glum faces mutely gave him his answer.

For the time being, however, a stalemate prevails, with Gazans as glum as before.

Two years after Barack Obama's hope-filled inauguration the mood in Washington is as glum as it has been since Jimmy Carter argued that America was suffering from "malaise".

An almost universal illustration of Chinese cheerfulness is to be found in their sociability, in striking contrast to the glum exclusiveness so often characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon.

Presently, he smiled and turned to his glum companion.

This one, with an electro loop and hand claps, doesn't sound as glum as its title portends.