
The device is similar to noise cancelling headphones.

Consumer protection groups are not keen on cancelling restrictions on telephone companies.

Same as absolute affinity, however this is reserved for system operations involved with executing reports such as cancelling a report.

The ash cloud is now so big that airlines have been cancelling flights in and out of the capital, Jakarta, 450km (280 miles) to the north-west3.

In July and August of last year there were still many instances of landlords cancelling tenancies and re-letting the land.

Today, the cancelling of tenancies and the re-letting of land are quite out of the question;all that remains as something of a problem is whether a tenancy can be cancelled if the landlord wants to cultivate the land some places even this is not allowed by the peasants.

Ever run out of CARDS before developers can unilaterally cancelling the contract?

According to the different distriButions of noise fields how to increase the noise-cancelling ability is analyzed theoretically.

The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas doesn't have just one light. Every Buddha emits light, and all those lights merge into one without cancelling or obstructing one another.

The agents for South Korean star Rain said they are consulting their lawyers after a US court ordered them to pay more than $8m for cancelling a concert in Honolulu in 2007, AFP reported Friday.

Today we face the monsters that are at our door, today we are cancelling the apocalypse!

Suzuki said last month that it was cancelling plans to build a Russian factory, but most foreign firms are hunkering down and waiting for an upturn.

Prohibition on cancelling tenancies.

The pollution levels prompted schools to keep students indoors, with most cancelling outdoor playground activities and off-campus trips.


"Noise cancelling depends on specific positions. You're not going to get that cancelling," he said.

In others the cancelling of a tenancy may be permitted if the landlord wants to cultivate the land himself, but then the problem of unemployment among the tenant-peasants arises.

Some are by government decree, such as closing schools and cancelling attendance at football games.

Other firms are cancelling orders for new jets because they cannot secure financing for them, making dozens of once-coveted delivery slot s available. There are few takers.