
He was a good businessman, but he had the mentality of a consumerist.

We spend so much in a show of consumerist greed, when that money could go to feed a few dozen families.

While Thay sees following these trainings as a way out of the environmental mess we are in, he is not certain that people are yet ready to change their consumerist way of life.

Although it was originally created by the Canadian anti-consumerist group Adbusters, the protest is leaderless.

Presently the success stories are the plural, liberal societies - what I call the unholy alliance of consumerist unbelievers.

The Tories were motivated more by consumerist thinking than Labour, but the basic aim (to make disgruntled voters feel they were masters of their public services) was the same.

You think, “Not buying these things shows that I’m frugal and not a consumerist sucker.”

Ever since, it has borne a whiff of consumerist self-indulgence, and its advocates then and now are accused of prizing sensation over anything more profound or ostensibly value-laden.

So for the joy of opening a few presents for a couple hours on Christmas day, we're imparting on them consumerist values that will last them a lifetime.


The greeting may be deemed materialistic, consumerist, atheistic, indifferentist, agnostic, politically correct or anti-Christian.

I used to advocate going through a sort of consumerist catechism before making any consumer purchasing decision. Who made this product?