
The mangrove’s ecosystem, however, is at the mercy of a delicate saline balance.

Half of the mice were injected with GMCSF, the other with a placebo saline solution.

The Dolores flows from the south, where it crosses the great salt dome of Paradox Valley, and the water is saline and has no fish.

Men who smelled tears produced by women who cried from watching a sad film had lower testosterone levels and less physiological arousal than men who smelled a saline solution.

Its water is now too saline to use.

In the ambulance, the doctors injected cold saline, or salt water, into his blood system.

Unsurprisingly, the hungry volunteers bid consistently more for food and less for inedible items than the volunteers who had the saline jab.

Though it is di? Cult to grow trees in the saline-alkali soil, the ground cover and wetland vegetation are rich and vary in response to subtle changes in the water table and PH values.

He even tried getting passengers to spray saline up their noses to moisten the palate.

They then inserted either fatty acids or saline into their stomachs but didn't tell the volunteers which was which. This meant they could bypass the effects of sensory stimulation.

He took the contents of the ancient bee's stomach, suspended it in saline, and spread it on a growth medium.

Spotted Lake is a saline endorheic alkalilake located northwest of Osoyoos in British Columbia.

Treatment for chemical burns should begin immediately in the pre-hospital setting with copious irrigation and continued in the Ed with lactated Ringers or normal saline.


The soil here is quite saline and alkaline.