
The bellows puffed on the fire.

As fire is kindle by bellows, so is angered by word.

In the last 25 years, however, the accordion bellows have expanded again.

The roomy pocket has bellows in the rear only, for a lower profile and less snag potential when moving forward.

Insomuch that I have sometimes seen a country boy run out to Buy apples of a bellows-mender, and ginger-bread from a grinder of knives and scissors.

But Zurovcik, inspired by a burn surgeon's plea, went a step further, designing a human-powered device that applies pressure via a simple bellows pump weighing less than half a pound.

bellows fishes; shrimpfishes; cornetfishes; pipefishes; small order of chiefly tropical marine fishes of varied and bizarre form all having a small mouth at the end of a drawn-out tubular snout.


bellows-type gas or orifice meter

An Atlantic walrus bellows toward the camera near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

Through researching an elastic sensitive element, a bellows with filler has been designed and developed, which solved the difficult problem that a thin wall bellows can't withstand high pressure.

Measures for adopting bellows expansion joint have been proposed to meet the requirement of allowable force in the inlet of pump pipeline.

It was an unmanned biplane with player-piano bellows to power its gyroscope and a cash-register mechanism that calculated distance flown by counting the rotations of a propeller-like rotor.

For an old bellows full of angry wind?

As I looked at the shiny white keys and cream-colored bellows, 1 could already hear my friend's squeezebox jokes.

I had actually done something bad enough to receive a whipping from my father, and I had actually worked the bellows for a blacksmith on a bridge site.

bellows differential flowmeter

I must blow the coals red first, before I can carry any, 'I replied, getting a chair and the bellows.

I am quite benumbed; for the Notch is just like the pipe of a great pair of bellows; it has blown a terrible blast in my face all the way from Bartlett.

False ball, black whistle, camera bellows operation, ground violence and power "more" etc. These dishonest phenomena badly hamper the development of match market turning.

bellows a man incongruously dressed in a dark silk suit. "Light the fire, Spindle-shanks!

An instrument having a flexible bag inflated either by a tube with valves or by bellows, a double - reed melody pipe, and from one to four drone n used in the plural.

By plasticity increment theory, the stress strain numerical calculate methods of bellows bulge forming, solvers theory calculating problems of bellows bulge forming technology are put forward.