
So attention is turning to a bipartisan “Gang of Six” in the Senate.

But the fact is, without bipartisan support, as we had just a few years ago, we cannot solve this problem.

Meanwhile, a bipartisan group of six prominent senators has released a “manager’s amendment” to a food safety bill that could finally bring the measure to a vote.

I knew a strong bipartisan majority of the Senate favored lifting the embargo; in fact, not long afterward, they voted for a resolution asking me to stop enforcing it.


At the White House meeting, Mr. Obama urged Congressional leaders to reach a bipartisan deal.

Well, the bipartisan "agreement on principles" released on Thursday looks a lot better than the original Paulson plan.

The United States' budget deficit is a serious problem, and there have been serious proposals to deal with it, such as those by the bipartisan Bowles-Simpson Commission.

He argues the job should be handed over to a bipartisan task force.

Barack Obama unveiled a document that he hopes will form the basis of the Democrats' final health-care bill ahead of a televised bipartisan summit.

Mr Rudd came within a whisker of snaring bipartisan support for a market-based scheme to cut carbon pollution.

Politicians from both parties immediately sought ways to gain partisan advantage from the bipartisan event.

The stock market's plunge on the news of the rescue rejection should bring that point home - and bring lawmakers to pass a bipartisan rescue plan.

In the past, she says, the Senate has overhauled its rules dramatically only when under immense popular pressure, or when a big bipartisan majority gets fed up with the chamber's slow pace.