
Take advantage of local specials at the neighborhood diner instead of eating in your hotel?

It's identical in every roadside diner across the States, a Platonic ideal that need never be messed with.

River's death will only bring more publicity for the originally themed diner - which, along with the ironic nature of his demise, would no doubt amuse him.

After a drive-through employee failed to respond to the man's threat of contacting the police, the irate diner called 911, a police report alleges.

Another young worker at the diner cackled with laughter when I asked her about the plague of illness which suddenly seems to be affecting so many on Grand Isle.

So none of us ever liked this diner?

At the diner I have bacon and eggs and another beer.

T wo attorneys went into a diner and ordered two they took out sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat.

SITTING in a booth in a classic Manhattan diner, Dan Doctoroff, clad in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, is sipping a diet soda and musing about the city he loves.


As we head out for supper, I realise there are two types of diner on board.

But his best line is, in this lister's opinion, when he orders food, definitely to go, at a diner.

He always ate a ham-and-Monterey-Jack omelet, and when I saw him walking toward the diner, I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

I worked he dropped me off and went to the diner to drink coffee until work time.

Inside a local diner, a news anchor on the TV rattles off the latest update, "Capitol Hill saw its first deadlock of the term on the Senate floor this morning."

At the diner, our all-black crew consisted of a grill woman, one waitress, a sandwich maker and a dish washer.

Suddenly, I stopped and stared in the large storefront window of the campus diner.

Mary Noble and I slid into the ancient red leather and steel booth of a diner in Birmingham and placed our breakfast order.