
That's why professionals can see and do things that mystify everyone else.

Of course, you can pause and rewind the film if there are certain bits that really mystify you.

He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance.


mystify an interpretation of a prophecy

But I tell you that there are colors of punctuation points, maybe you will be close to you may be confused that I mystify.

Something intended to mystify.

I argued that I did not like to deliberately mystify people or mislead them. His reply was that I misled everybody anyway.

The result, if not the intent, is to mystify the public.

China and its massive population are drawing many overseas consumer brands, but how to grab a chunk of the rising wealth of its middle class continues to mystify, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The President's actions are so bizarre that they mystify his critics and supporters alike.