
Current cameras rely on lenses to produce a recognizable image.

The Lego Jack Sparrow is shorter and stiffer than Johnny Depp, but recognizable.

Without habits nothing recognizable as a human or even animal form of life would be possible.

Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape.

Two or more providers of the same service are immediately recognizable, even though they may have very different implementations, because their declarative interfaces fit the same description.

The most important aspect of designing an individual icon is that it has to be instantly recognizable, you have to know its function, and you need to know exactly what it is.

Her voice is instantly recognizable.

His response was to deploy instantly recognizable yellow telephone kiosks in every town and village.

Pitchfork: It's a much easier task to make something recognizable than it is to make something unrecognizable.

CH-Auto will have to persuade wealthy customers to plunk down a large sum on an unfamiliar brand — Qiantu — over Mr. Musk's recognizable models.

You either make up the process as you go along, or perhaps you adapt the process to such a great extent each time that no process is recognizable from one project to the next.

Cookies may be the most recognizable personalization tools.

An XML document has a recognizable structure: a series of elements that can optionally contain attributes and child elements.

Because evidence sent to the lab rarely contains easily recognizable parts, much less a whole animal, the scientists must work to identify species from limited fragments.

Use a recognizable and consistent email address and "from" name for all of your emails.

The tiger is one of the most emblematic symbols of conservation today, and its distinctively patterned coat and fearsome reputation make this species instantly recognizable.

Developers can include the tag and have an immediately recognizable UI element.


It's simple, small, and very recognizable.

I can put together a few simple chords and a couple of melodies so that at least some of the tunes are recognizable.

Some of these signs and symptoms are easily recognizable and consistent, giving what is known as a syndrome that signals the presence of one or a number of pathogens.