heart bypass surgery造句

More than 800 thousand people around the world have this heart bypass surgery each year.

The FDA recently issued a warning stating that diclofenac should not be used by people for pain in the time period surrounding heart bypass surgery.

He had survived heart bypass surgery.

The current study, published in Health Psychology, included 225 people who had heart bypass surgery between 1987 and 1990.

heart bypass surgery造句

KF: What about drugs, stents, and heart bypass surgery?

And the party's septuagenarian prime minister and acting finance minister, Manmohan Singh, is incapacitated: off work for a month after undergoing heart bypass surgery on January 24th.

According to guidelines, doctors shouldn't implant them in patients recovering from a heart attack or heart bypass surgery.

Using the analogy of heart bypass surgery might be appropriate because the BPM approach extends core applications with a process and service middle-tier.